How To Create a Mind Map in 5 Steps (By Hand or With Software)
How do you create a mind map? What is the best software or online tool to use?
In the last post, I wrote about what Mind Mapping is and why it is so effective. In this post, I will cover how to create a Mind Map and discuss some of the best Mind Mapping software that is available. This will help if you want to make Mind Maps on a computer or another device.
How do I create a Mind Map?
It is very simple to start Mind Mapping. Start with a blank piece of paper in landscape (rather than portrait) orientation. Draw an image in the centre that sums up the subject of the whole mind map. Alternatively, you can use a word or phrase at the centre.
Now, create lines that branch out from the central image for your main subheadings. Use one word or image per branch and keep the length of the branch to the size of the word or picture. Use larger-sized letters, lines and images towards the centre of the Mind Map and let them become smaller as they fan out.
Mind Mapping in 5 Simple Steps
This method can be summarised in five simple steps:
Central Idea. Put the central word or image at the centre of the blank page (in landscape format).
Add main branches and keywords. The main related themes then branch out from the centre. One word or image goes on each branch. The branches should curve, look organic and be the same lengths as the keyword or key-image. Use no more than eight branches (this aids comprehension and recall).
Add sub-branches. Linked ideas and sub-categories to the main branches become smaller, thinner branches as they radiate out from the central theme and main branches. Once again, don’t add more than eight sub-branches to any larger branch.
Add colour and visual elements. Now add colour (for example, to the branches or for similar themes) and add visual elements or replace words with pictures to make the Mind Map as visual as possible.
Connect ideas. Now that you can see the whole picture, you can link ideas to spark new insights. Use arrows to link things and bubbles to group concepts.
Example of how to make a Mind Map using online software
I have created a Mind Map and turned it into a video presentation (on iMindMap) that sums up the basic principles and techniques of Mind Mapping. This will give you an idea of how a subject (such as the content of this post) can be summed up successfully with Mind Mapping.
You can access the video via The Right Questions YouTube channel or watch the embedded film below.
What is the best Mind Mapping Software?
I started off just drawing Mind Maps freehand, but I now also use software too. I love the absolute freedom of freehand Mind Mapping. But now – more often than not – I have my computer on me rather than a notepad.
Software options are also good for sharing Mind Maps. Hand-drawn Mind Maps can be harder for other people to read, and there is never a copier or scanner to hand when you need one. With software-based Mind Maps, it is very easy to save, reproduce and share Mind Maps that are legible and look professional.
Some Mind Mapping software, such as iMindMap (now replaced by Ayoa) also have cloud-based backup and collaboration tools available on their premier products. This is a very useful addition when using Mind Maps in a business context. I have found iMindMap very easy to use; within ten minutes of downloading it, I had produced my first Mind Map. There is an example below showing a Mind Map that I created about The RightQuestions.
I now make my videos using Videoscribe. As you can see from my YouTube channel (The Right Questions), I incorporate many of the principles of mind mapping in how I create these videos. The software is easy to use and I enjoy creating content with it. If you would like to try have a go yourself then you can have a free trial by just clicking here:
If you want the right answers you have to start with the right questions
About The Right Questions
The Right Questions is for leaders who want coaching towards greater clarity, purpose and success. We are all leaders (whether we know it or not) as we all have influence. So the question is, what are you doing with your influence?
Wherever you are on your leadership journey, I hope that you find resources on this site to help you on the next leg of your quest. Even if that is just the inspiration to take one small step in the right direction, then that is a success. If you can take pleasure in learning and travelling as you go, then so much the better.
I love to serve people, helping them unlock their potential, empowering them as leaders, and coaching them to achieve their goals. Please get in touch and let me know how I can support you!