Here is a short introductory video about The Right Questions.
“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” Tony Robbins
Ask the right questions, get the right answers and become more effective at decision making, strategic planning and achieving goals.
The Right Questions (video introduction)
“A prudent question is one half of wisdom.” Francis Bacon
To make a good decision, whether, in a personal or business context, the first step is to correctly frame the challenge. Asking questions does this. ‘The Right Questions’ is a simple and memorable method to make good decisions and to create effective plans.
Philosophers identified the most important questions over two thousand years ago. But this first-principles approach has been somewhat lost in formal education today, partly due to the level of detail that is pursued in an increasingly complex world.
The information available via the Internet is seemingly endless but this has a downside. It is easy to become overloaded with data or miss out on important factors when making a decision. And there is a problem with some decision-making processes too; a lot of systems rely on jargon that is not memorable or straightforward to apply.
Interrogative Open Questions
Therefore we need an easy to access tool to deal with complex and evolving situations. The good news is that the core questions are actually embedded in language. The seven basic interrogative questions of what, where, why, when, who, how and which are the triggers needed to unlock any problem. It is then just a case of understanding their application.
The Right Questions methodology uses the seven core interrogatives and applies them to strategic planning, implement projects and achieving goals. It is a creative process, described as “deeply motivational”.
The Right Questions approach is used in coaching and consultancy as well as being a decision-making tool. Simon Ash developed the framework from his experience as a Bomb Disposal Officer.
“Ask the right questions, get the right answers, and be more effective.”
If you want the right answers you have to start with the right questions
About The Right Questions
The Right Questions is for leaders who want coaching towards greater clarity, purpose and success. We are all leaders (whether we know it or not) as we all have influence. So the question is, what are you doing with your influence?
Wherever you are on your leadership journey, I hope that you find resources on this site to help you on the next leg of your quest. Even if that is just the inspiration to take one small step in the right direction, then that is a success. If you can take pleasure in learning and travelling as you go, then so much the better.
I love to serve people, helping them unlock their potential, empowering them as leaders, and coaching them to achieve their goals. Please get in touch and let me know how I can support you!